East economic forum. Sergei Nikolaevich Katyrin and experts Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF made a speech at session about commercial arbitration

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At VIII East economic forum (East economic forum) took place on September 11 session "The International Commercial Arbitration in Modern Conditions". As her moderator the President Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF Sergei Nikolaevich Katyrin acted. The chamber is engaged in developments arbitration more than 90 years. At it authoritative arbitration establishments – International commercial arbitral tribunal at chamber of commerce & industry of the Russian Federation and the Sea Arbitration Commission (SAC) work. Sergei Nikolaevich Katyrin noted that affairs arrive from the different countries, and, despite sanctions, at institutes is considered to 10% of cases with participation of the parties – nonresidents Russian Federation. According to him, companies from China for the last...