The resident of Omsk won superiority Russian Federation on boxing after trainings with the father of the known actress

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Photo: Superomsk/illustration On Saturday, November 11, 2023, in Ufa The boxing championship of Russia among women came to the end. The Omsk sportswoman Saltanat Medenova won a victory in weight category to 81 kilograms. She won against the sportswoman a semi-final from Republic of Dagestan to Zenfira Magomedaliev. And in the final the resident of Omsk surpassed Nizhny Novgorod boksershu Molochkova Eugenie and won a title of the champion Russian Federation on boxing. It is remarkable that the trainer Saltanat Medenovoy is the director of SShOR No. 21 of L. Kiselyov Zemtsov Sergei. He is the father of the known actress Natalia Zemtsova who acted in series "Eightieth" and...