"Seytla Usen's" sports complex: new space for a healthy lifestyle in the Tolebiysky area

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Photo: Akimat of Turkestani area In Kaskasu's village of the Tolebiysky area is put into operation a sports and art complex, transfers DKNews.kz. At own expense it was constructed by the individual entrepreneur Seytov Talgat, the native of the settlement Keregetas. At the opening ceremony of a sports complex under "Seytla Usen's" name gratitude to the businessman expressed Akim's deputy of the area Serikbaev Lesbek, the chairman regional maslikhata Koybagarov Nurlan. Letters of thanks of Akim of the area and the diploma regional maslikhata were handed over to citizens who attach rural youth to...