Exhibition "The Pechora zhonka" – about creatures callous, literature, history and life – takes place in Nenets Autonomous District

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Excursion on exhibition which the research associate of the Museum association Nenets Autonomous Area Umnova Ludmila / conducts nao-news.net. Photo: naomuseum.ru Museum association Nenets Autonomous District conceived this vital art project, "The Pechora zhonka" – interregional that is that it not only in Naryan-Mar, the only city of the Nenets Autonomous Area, beautifully in museum hung, and – came nearer to the people, did a bit of traveling on the district. The benefit, exhibition conceptual, based on sense – "bench" as art dealers speak. The premiere took place in Ust-Tsilm, then exhibition got over to Oksino's village. And in Naryan-Mar, in the cozy warm...