"Now naked only you". Valentina Shevchenko answered criticism of the champion of UFC about earnings of girls fighters on OnlyFans

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The champion UFC in average weight category Striklend Sean commented on words of the girl fighter Paige Vanzant about her earnings on OnlyFans, transfers with reference to the MMA Bulletin telegram-channel. "Page Vanzant told that in 24 hours on OnlyFans earned more, than in UFC. Let's understand. 1 . You signed because you hot. 2 . Female MMA looks miserable. 3 . Men will pay more for seeing you naked, than for looking as you fight. Remain at school, children, fights are a sediment, lol", - Striklend Sean spoke. However this situation without attention not...
Valentina Shevchenko
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts (UFC)
Page Vanzant
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts
Striklend Sean