It became known where the star of "Matchmakers" Artemyeva Ludmila] disappeare

@360° Podmoskov'e
Show original told about destiny to a star of "Matchmakers" of Artemyeva Ludmila the Official site of action / person / collective/department Fallen in love to the audience on a role in series "Matchmakers" Artemyeva Ludmila ceased to appear on public and actively to participate in actions. The edition told, than the actress now is engaged. According to a source, Artemyeva Ludmila still plays at theater, as well as at cinema. In the summer of 2021 in mass media there was information that it finished career, however it appeared a fake. In 2022 the actress took part in the pictures "Pianist" and "Artek. Big travel", and in...
Artemyeva Ludmila
Parfenov Sergei