Alexander Alekseevich Romanenko: Carrying out tournament of the All-Russian level devoted to memory of our outstanding fellow countryman Vladimir Shkalov, - a great honor and responsibility

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In Barnaul "Titov to the Arena" started superiority Russian Federation on judo among young men and girls till 18 years of memory Vladimir Shkalov. Participation in the opening ceremony sign for Altai Territory tournament was accepted by the chairman Alexander Alekseevich Romanenko. Altai Territory for the first time became a platform for competitions in judo of such high level. To the regional capital there arrived nearly 800 young athletes from 75 regions Russian Federation. Superiority was devoted by memories of the well-known pupil of the Barnaul sport school "Sparta", the Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR, the fivefold world champion in sambo and legends of the world of judo...