Treat with this solyanka the mother-in-law, and you will become her beloved daughter-in-law: the recipe of the most tasty fish solyanka from the star cook

@Kubanskie novosti
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It is possible to prepare the most tasty solyanka for only one hour. To feed and surprise it is real! If you have a task to surprise with the culinary talents of the most exacting guests and members of household, the best dish, than solyanka precisely not to find. This soup becomes the real opening even for experts on Russian cuisine. Such solyanka they for certain never ate. The author of solyanka is the known cook Ilya Lazerson. According to him, it is possible to cook the most tasty fish soup for only 1 hour. The following ingredients will be necessary for you: pike perch cucumbers salty paste tomato onion vegetable oil capers fennel...