Damage honor on 3 million rubles: "the black woodcutter" condemned in Gryazovets

@GTRK "Vologda"
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District court of the Gryazovets district of the Vologda region pronounced a sentence concerning the 42-year-old local. The man found guilty on h. 3 Art. 260 of the criminal code of Russian Federation. According to the investigators, in 2020 gryazovchanin was engaged in preparation wood in the municipality territory. Without having got the corresponding permission, it organized the cabin of trees of coniferous and deciduous breeds. In total accused cut down 297 cubic meter of the wood. The damage caused by its criminal activity, estimated almost at 3 million rubles. Taking into account a position of the state accuser court appointed gryazovchaninu punishment in the form of 2 years of imprisonment conditionally with...