The ghost of the German nationalism woke up and wanders about Europe

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In the western mass media the wave of the publications devoted "to growth of support far right" to Germany accrues. Thus it is a question not about real far right which in Germany it is really enough but which have no political representation. Shilov Yvan information agency "REGNUM" Under far right authors of these publications mean quite respectable populist parliamentary party "Alternative for Germany" Party (ADG). All her fault consists only that it sharply criticizes notorious "povestochka" — uncontrollable migration, uncontested "green transition", strengthening of supranational structures...
Olaf Sholts
Last position: Federal chancellor (Government of Federative Republic of Germany)
Alis Elizabeth Vaydel
Last position: Party leader Alternative for Germany (Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Tino Khrupalla
Last position: Chairman ("Alternative for Germany")
Sarah Vagenknekht
Last position: Deputy (Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Shilov Yvan
"Alternative for Germany"
Political ideology:National conservatism, Euroscepticism.
Political ideology:Islamism, Palestinian nationalism.