"Mission is impracticable 7" became the most popular movie of October at the Russian pirates

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Analysts from F.A.æ.æ.T. made a selection of the most popular movies at the Russian pirates following the results of October, 2023. The leader of last month a tape "Mission became impracticable: Deadly payment, part 1". The fighter with Thomas Cruise Meypoter IV reached digital platforms on October 10 therefore leadership in ten does not surprise. On the second place the criminal thriller "Reptiles" with Benisio Monserrate Raphael del Toro Sanche and Alycia Silverstoun settled down. The presented top is based on number of the illegal copies of movies found in a network. "Mission is impracticable: Deadly payment. Part 1 of" "Reptile" "Art on concepts"...