"Beacon" takes part in tournament of memory Eugenie Mikhaylovich Khvalko Jr.

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Pupils of Mayak sport school of 2007 year of birth under the direction of the trainer Smurov Igor went to Kemerovo on tournament on the bandy, devoted to memory of our fellow countryman Eugenie Mikhaylovich Khvalko the Jr. 7 teams take part in competitions from six regions Russian Federation — Sverdlovsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Irkutsk Region and Novosibirsk Region, and also Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khabarovsk Territory. The winner and prize-winners will be defined following the results of one-circular tournament in KLM "Chemist" ice. Yesterday our young men entered fight. First "pancake" left a "dry" lump: krasnoturyinets conceded to team of "Yenisei" with the score 0:7. — In...