The resident of Chelyabinsk bought the lottery ticket for 100 rubles, and won one million rubles

@Kurs dela
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The Chelyabinsk lawyer Nicholas Pavlovich Koshman who got recently to reanimation after cruel beating, called the possible customer of attack. About it reports Russian information company "URA.Ru". Under suspicions of the human rights activist Kuzmenkov Youri who has with Nicholas Pavlovich Koshman personal scores got chapter Yetkul district. According to the victim, the conflict between them began 2018 more when the lawyer protected in court deputies of chapter Konstantinov Aleksey on the case of abuse of authority. On both cases the sentence Konstantinov Aleksey was not taken out that did not suit Kuzmenkov Youri. Kuzmenkov Youri on interrogation declared that is not familiar personally with...