The actor and the director Alexander Nikolaevich Baluev conducts active creative activity

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The actor and the director Alexander Nikolaevich Baluev appears today in front of chambers less often. In 2021 it had serious problems with health. It became known, than the actor is engaged now. Photo: "Alexander Nikolaevich Baluev (photo Igor Mukhin, 1997)" by photographer Igor Mukhin is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Alexander Nikolaevich Baluev is known for the actor's activity. It graduated from School-Studio Mkhat and debuted on the screen in 1971 in series "The Investigation Is Carried by Experts". Its popularity grew after the movie "Muslim", and then it was shot in such works as "Bless the woman" and began to participate actively in...
Urbanovskaya Maria
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Main activity:Communication and IT
Shkola-studiya Mkhat
Main activity:Culture and sports