"Each person can fall ill": Victor Nikolaevich Gubarev told about a state Mikhaylov Savva

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The Yakut communist Mikhaylov Savva continues treatment in hospital Saint Petersburg the Member of regional office of Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mikhaylov Savva continues treatment in hospital Saint Petersburg. Let's remind that it there hospitalized from a zone of carrying out special operation with the preliminary diagnosis "a digestion disease". And his wife Valeria published the address to citizens with a request to help means, and also called "influential people for negotiations with military hospital". It arrived to Saint Petersburg to be closer to the husband. As the first secretary Yakut reskoma reported "KP-Yakutia" Communist Party of the Russian Federation Victor Nikolaevich Gubarev...
Victor Nikolaevich Gubarev
Last position: Vice-chairman (State Assembly of the Sakha Republic)
Mikhaylov Savva
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.