Before opening of the Hindu temple to Abu Dhabi there were 100 days

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Construction the capital temple of BAPS Mandir approaches end, the ceremonial opening is appointed to February 14, 2024. The first Hindu temple to Abu Dhabi. More detailed Before long-awaited opening of the region's first traditional Hindu stone temple to Abu Dhabi there were only 100 days. Construction a majestic construction of BAPS of Yezhednevnaya indiyskaya gazeta The Hindu Mandir in the capital of United Arab Emirates, begun in December, 2019, approaches end, and its ceremonial opening is appointed to February 14, 2024. Recently Sadgura Pudzhya Ishvarcharan Svami, organizer of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, and Pudzhya Brakhmavikharidas...