FFKKR: The figure skater Protopopov Oleg Alekseevich died in a dream on October 31 in the Swiss Interlaken

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FFKKR: The figure skater Protopopov Oleg Alekseevich died in a dream on October 31 in the Swiss Interlaken the Legendary Soviet figure skater Protopopov Oleg Alekseevich died on October 31 in a dream in the Swiss city of Interlaken. It declared in the press service of FFKKR. Let's remind that his spouse and the partner Belousova Ludmila died in 2017. "As the German journalist Zepp Shenmetsler reported, recently Protopopov Oleg Alekseevich lived in Interlaken. He died quietly, in a dream. Now they with Belousova Ludmila again together" — noted in FFKKR. Let's add that Protopopov Oleg Alekseevich lived in...
Protopopov Oleg Alekseevich
Belousova Ludmila
Osipov Nikita
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