The vice admiral Isak Valery] die

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The vice admiral Isak Valery died at the age of 74 years. He died at home, the chairman of the St. Petersburg club of seamen-submariners the captain of the first rank Kurdin Igor reported to daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". He did not call a cause of death of the military. Isak Valery retired in 2005. Isak Valery was born on January 25, 1949 in Baku. In 1971st it graduated from the Highest naval schools radio electronics of. A.S. Popova. In the 2000th military appropriated a rank of the vice admiral. In 2000-2005 Isak Valery held a position of the chief Glavny of managements deep-water researches of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. In 2003rd it...