Republic of Bashkortostan brought in the State Duma the draft of amendments to the law on allocation of lands to disabled people

@RBK Bashkortostan
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Photo: Yakovlev Oleg / daily business newspaper "RBK daily" State Assembly – Kurultai Republic of Bashkortostan introduced on November 2 in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the bill with amendments to the federal law "About social protection of disabled people to Russian Federation". He assumes addition of one of law articles the formulation "personal subsidiary farm". The deputy of the State Duma from Republic of Bashkortostan Rimma Utyasheva will represent an initiative in the lower house of parliament of the country. On consideration of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Regionalny parlament announced amending in August. It was noted that the law on a social security of disabled people establishes their right for prime receiving lands under IZhS and maintaining subsidiary farm, whereas in...