The center of communication of the senior generation "Torch" visited on a visit

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On November 1, 2023 gorodishchenets met the Center of communication of the senior generation "Torch" and representatives from Kameshkirsky district. Acquaintance to the area began with Chaadayevk's working settlement where the methodologist of department of study of local lore Agafonova Svetlana conducted tour on Serafim Sarovsky's sacred source. In the local history museum dear guests were welcomed by veterans of Horodysche verses and a loaf, guide Vladimir Kamordin told about area history. The master class on a molding from clay was given the national handyman Gorodishchensky rayon by Pechenova Tatyana. In the nursery to school arts of Horodysche...
Galina Yurlova
Main activity:Official
Agafonova Svetlana
Pechenova Tatyana
Ryashentseva Larissa
Kraynov Mikhail