Today to the secret feat of the Soviet militiaman, the Hero Soviet Union Popryadukhin Aleksand are executed 50 years

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Such award in a peace time just like that do not give. In the 70th years of last century astronauts became heroes most often. And Hera Soviet Union militiaman it is simple any nonsense! However the destiny what exactly the senior inspector person on duty of the 127th police station of Moscow became the first militiaman in the history of the USSR, received this high rank in a peace time so disposed. But about its feat of decade it was spoken nothing. Certainly, colleagues knew, but no afishirovaniye, general deserved praise existed and is close. Why? Probably, for political reasons. Not...
Popryadukhin Aleksand
Popryadukhin Alexander Ivanovich
Romanov Victor
Nikiforov Andrey
Zhalnin Vladimir
Psychiatric hospital
Academy MVD
All-Russian federation of sambo