The Yemen insurgents declared the operation beginning against Israel. How actions husitov will affect a situation in the Gaza Strip?

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The representative of the Yemen insurgents from the Shiite movement "Ansar Alla" (husity) Yahya Saria declared in the video address the beginning of military operation against Israel. Besides, husity already put a series of blows with UAVs and ballistic missiles on the territory Israel. Operation is aimed at support of the oppressed Palestinian people and its fighting resistance Yahya Saria the representative of the movement "Ansar Alla" Earlier inhabitants Yemen came to actions in support of Palestine, organized by Ansar Alla group. Demonstrations took place in the capital of the country Sana'a and a number of provinces. Holding a meeting held in hand...
Ryder Patrick
Political ideology:Islamism, anti-Zionism, anti-imperialism, nationalism.
Political ideology:Islamism, Palestinian nationalism.
Air UAVs