The Moldavian deputy told about repetition by Kishinev ways Ukraine

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Moldova under management president's teams Maia Sandu in questions of a state policy repeats actions Kiev, directed on a rupture of communications with Russian Federation and the proceeding pressure upon Russian, the deputy declared to daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" Parliament of Republic of Moldova from Parties of socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) Bogdan Tsyrdya...
Maia Sandu
Last position: President of the Republic of Moldova (President Moldova)
Bogdan Tsyrdya
Last position: Deputy (Parliament Moldova)
Sharifulin Valery
The Russian Orthodox Church
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Party of socialists Moldova
Political ideology:Социал-демократия, молдовенизм, евроскептицизм, русофильство, левоцентризм, румынофобия