"Any freedom": The doctor Eugenie Komarovsky suddenly began to see clearly after language scandal in Ukraine

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Against the next language scandal even most proukrainski the adjusted citizens Nezalezhna suddenly "began to see clearly" and found out that freedom in this country was not and is not present. Among such there was also a doctor Eugenie Komarovsky. The Ukrainian pediatrician Eugenie Komarovsky after the beginning of SVO proved the ardent russophob - however, it allowed doubtful statements to Russian Federation earlier. That at all did not prevent it to earn at lectures in our country. And here since February of last year from the doctor Eugenie Komarovsky sounded the extremely offensive statements to Russians. The pediatrician suddenly began to see clearly against...
Eugenie Komarovsky
Last position: The anchorman "School of doctor Komarovsky" on Inter TV channel (Inter Media Group)
Lisitsyn Victor