The granddaughter of Gorky the actress Darya Peshkova] die

@Moskovskij komsomolets
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On the 97th year of life A.M. Gorky's granddaughter died the person with surprising destiny. She grew up in a family of the great writer and served in Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova more than 70 years. "To its lot seldom fell big roles, but professionalism, respect for the charged work Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova" made her the important participant in preservation of spirit, - theaters are reported on a site. Darya Peshkova was born on October 12, 1927 in Naples (Italy). Graduated from Theatrical school Boris Schukin's name (a course Orochko A. A.) in 1949. It is the same year accepted in troupe Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova, with which...
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Main activity:Official
Darya Peshkova
Last position: Actress (Theater named after Eugenia Vakhtangova)
Orochko A. A.
Simonov R. N.
Ivanov V.
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Theater named after Eugenia Vakhtangova
Main activity:Culture and sports