The student RGPPU won bronze in championship of the world in wrestling!

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Bagaev Arslan, the student of 1 course of Institute Physical culture, sports and health RGPPU, became the bronze prize-winner of superiority of the world of U23! In the first day of competitions the national team Russian Federation, AIN acting under an abbreviation (individual neutral athletes), won three medals of different advantage. The team was joined also by our athlete who has brought a bronze medal in weight category to 86 kg. The trainer of the national team higher education institutions — Zadnepryanny Igor . We congratulate Bagaev Arslan on the deserved reward and we wish new victories and new achievements! Let's note that ahead — duels of two more students higher education institutions. Sportswomen...
Bagaev Arslan
Zadnepryanny Igor
Tyumerekova Maria
Sidelnikova Anastasiya