In Sovetsky rayon before court the young man accused of a turn of counterfeit documents and attempt at bribery to the official] will appea

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By Investigation department on of the Sovetskoe district of the Ulan-Ude city Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Buryatia investigation of criminal case concerning the 27-year-old local accused of commission of crimes, the provided h is complete. 3 Art. 327 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (acquisition and storage for use of obviously counterfeit certificate) and h. 3 Art. 30, h. 3 Art. 291 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (attempt at bribery to the official in a considerable size for commission of obviously illegal actions). By consequence it is established that the accused was going to get car, for managements it was required to it which driver's...