On October 21 in Omsk branch action within the Invited Professor program, organized by the associate professor, Cand.Phil.Sci. Frik O. V., the head of the Scientific and consulting center took place. Program Financial

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On October 21 in Omsk branch action within the Invited Professor program, organized by the associate professor, Cand.Phil.Sci. Frik O. V., the head of the Scientific and consulting center took place. The program Finance university, Financial university "Invited professor" is aimed at assistance to process of cooperation Finance university, Financial university with the international scientific and educational community and to improvement of its academic reputation. The Invited Professor program raises level scientific and teaching activity, promotes improvement of quality of realized educational programs and increases competitiveness...
Frik O. V.
Beksultanova Gulzada
Karpov V. V.
Finance university, Financial university
Main activity:Science and education
Академия наук РК