Students universities took part in the telecast "Empire Traces with Arkady Mamontov"

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On October 8, 2023 in a hall of a refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour there took place shooting of the telecast "Empire Traces with Arkady Mamontov" on the subject "Development of Siberia" in which students from RGU OF OIL AND GAS (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA; FGAOU VO "RGU NEFTI I GAZA (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA" ; GUBKIN CITY UNIVERSITY took part. "Empire traces" – the historical and educational project devoted stories Russian Federation. The host of the project Arkady Mamontov considers the most significant plots of national history, inviting to discussion of experts from different areas of scientific knowledge, students and everything to whom the historical destiny of the Homeland is not indifferent. As the curator of students when shooting the head of the department of history acted...