SOCIAL FOUNDATION RUSSIA, SFR seized at the singer Manizha Sangin 8 thousand rubles
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Manizha Sangin. Photo: Buzhor Irina / newspaper "Kommersant" SOCIAL FOUNDATION RUSSIA, SFR was seized at the performer by Manizha Sangin 8 thousand rubles. About it reports Telegram to SHOT.Organizatsiya submitted claim to Arbitral tribunal of the city of Moscow on SP Manizha Sangin and demanded to collect from the singer a penalty for untimely granting data ̆ about the SZV-experience. According to the edition, Manizha Sangin two years contract did not award necessary documents. The actress obliged to pay a penalty of 7 thousand rubles, and also one thousand of state duty. The assistant to the performer disproved information that the actress could have delays, having declared that...