From John to Ivan

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From John to Ivan Istoriya of the republican Uillis John and his cars Exactly 150 years ago, on October 25, 1873, Nort John Uillis John — the American politician and the businessman who has immortalized in the history by the automobile Willys brand was born. In our country this name say as "Willis", remembering the known SUV of times of the Great Patriotic War, without reflecting at all on different interpretations with writing of a surname of the founding father. However, life the most Uillis John too somehow "dispersed" from the world glory of the Willys brand, therefore its birthday — a good occasion to remember how all...
Uillis John
Nort John
Bentsa Karla
Daymler Gotlib
Ramm Alexander
Republican Party of USA
Political ideology:Conservatism, economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, social conservatism.
General Motors Co.
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles
Chrysler Group LLC