The new equipment for treatment planning onkopatsiyentov prepare for work in the Vologda Regional clinical hospital No. 2

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The specialized computer tomograph will be applied to planning of radiation therapy of oncological patients and performance of researches for diagnostics of various diseases. Array ([PREVIEW_TEXT] => Agro-industrial complex Vologda Region, despite the sanctions pressure and economic difficulties, continue to develop. [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => Agro-industrial complex Vologda Region, despite the sanctions pressure and economic difficulties, continues to develop. [PREVIEW_PICTURE] => Array ([ID] => 353578 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 24.10.2023 6:51:53 PM [MODULE_ID] => iblock [HEIGHT] => 159...
Edouard Zaynak
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Vologda region)
Regional clinical hospital No. 2