Chapter Republic of Tatarstan awarded the 15-year-old son Kadyrov Adam the award "Duslyk"

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To Kadyrov Adam, Chechen Republic after beating Zhuravel Nikita in the Grozny pre-trial detention center, handed over one more award — the Tatarstan award "Duslyk". Last week its actions the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov, Kadyrov Adam, Rustam Minnikhanov, Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov (scarified the Photo: adelimkhanov_95 / Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF)) Chapter Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov handed over to the 15-year-old son of chapter Chechen Republic to Kadyrov Adam the award "Duslyk", the award second for the importance in the republic. The deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov. In the photo published by the deputy Ramzan Kadyrov...
Ramzan Kadyrov
Last position: Governor of Chechnya (President of the Republic of Chechen)
Rustam Minnikhanov
Last position: President of the Republic of Tatarstan (President of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov
Last position: The deputy, the Member of the committee on safety and corruption counteraction (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Tatyana Moskalkova
Last position: Commissioner for Human Rights (Device of Commissioner for Human Rights in of the Russian Federation)
Mansur Soltaev
Last position: Representative (Commissioner for Human Rights in of the Chechen Republic)