In Krasnoyarsk Territory on weaving of camouflage networks gave a wedding dress

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Krasnoyarsk, 24 Oct – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The inhabitant of the settlement Preobrazhensky Krasnoyarsk Territory gave a wedding dress for weaving of winter camouflage networks for fighters in a special operation zone, is reported in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel of Administration of the Nazarovo district. ""A wedding dress offered on weaving of camouflage networks. The inhabitant of the settlement decided on such generous step Preobrazhensky", - is spoken in the message. At present volunteers need white tulle as this color is necessary for weaving of winter camouflage networks. Villagers also hand over old curtains and buy spanbond. Wedding...