OS "A joint venture viola release 10" are compatible to key Esmart carriers

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Soderzhaniyeistoriya of developments 2023: Compatibility about "JV Server viola release 10" and "JV Rabochaya stantion viola release 10" 2021: Compatibility confirmation with "Red of OS" 2020 as a part of the protected decision for remote access to objects CUES the Joint decision "ELVIS-PLYUS" and ISBC on the basis of products "Outpost" and ESMART Token state standard specification Compatibility with Red of OS 2017: Certification Esmart Token state standard specification Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation 2015: integration by ESMART Token state standard specification with the Avanpost 4.1 2013 personal computer is executed: Purpose of Smart card ESMART Token History of developments 2023: Compatibility about "JV Server viola release 10" and "JV Rabochaya stantion viola release 10"...