Big exposure of Galkina*: The textbook of methodics of the inoagenta-traitor was declassified by the ex-deputy

@Telekanal "Tsar'grad"
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Big exposure Maxime Aleksandrovich Galkin * - the textbook of methodics of the inoagenta-traitor was declassified by Gosudma's ex-deputy Roman Khudyakov. Maxime Aleksandrovich Galkin *, having hardly managed to leave from Israel on the European tours, at once began to entertain public anti-Russian "jokes". But also it it seemed to it a little - at the first concert in Cyprus the showman fell before frank blasphemy. Galkin's tours * leave strange impression also because, according to mass media, the comedian-inoagent took with himself and all family - Alla Pugacheva together with children also got over to Cyprus. And it...