The employee of NOMTs of Sofya Kovalevskaya gave lecture on Quantum teleportation

@BFU im. Kanta
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On October 18 at Institute high technologies lecture of the senior research associate of Laboratory Mathematical modeling difficult and nonlinear systems of NOMTs of Sofya Kovalevskaya Shum Andrey took place. The scientist opened details Quantum teleportation, provided original proofs of the theorem of impossibility of cloning of quantum states and described procedure Quantum teleportation in language of quantum schemes that is very useful for modeling of the similar phenomena on Quantum computer. In discussion took part professor Ivanov Aleksey, professor Yurov Artem, professor Astashenok Artem...
Shum Andrey
Ivanov Aleksey
Yurov Artem
Astashenok Artem
Vereshchagin Sergei