Athletes Sakhalin Region took 8 medals of the All-Russian competitions in weightlifting

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The All-Russian weightlifting competitions among children of 10-12, 13-15 and 15-18 years took place in Khabarovsk. Sakhalin Region on competitions was presented by 10 athletes from Kholmsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. By results of competitions island athletes won about eight medals. As told in the press service of MINISTRY OF SPORTS AND YOUTH POLICY OF THE SAKHALIN REGION, at weightlifting competitions prize-winners in weight to 33 kilograms and age group of 10-12 years the athlete from Kholmsk Sheyko Damir became gold. He won with result of 29 kilograms breakthrough and 37 kilograms in a push. In weight category...