Teachers-mentors – to young generation of teachers-language and literature teachers

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22.10.2023 21:19 Professor of chair of literature, journalism and a technique of teaching of literature Bryakov I. Ye. made the report at the international scientific and practical conference "Open Technique" in FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION RGPU NAMED AFTER A. I. GERTSENA, RGPU NAMED AFTER A. I. GERTSENA, GERTSENOVSKY UNIVERSITY (Saint Petersburg). For the eighth time there began the work conference with the significant name "That link of times did not break up: teachers-mentors – to young generation of teachers-language and literature teachers" (to the 10 anniversary OO "ASSUL"), the member of which Scientific and methodical council consist also dative of N Bryakov I. Ye.. More than 200...