As you will call a place

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As you will call a place In the Duma suggested to revive tradition of renamings of settlements last Thursday, October 19, deputies of fraction "New people" introduced in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the bill, forbidding use of names of settlements, "offensive, pejorative inhabitants belittling advantage". The correspondent newspaper "Kommersant" Tyazhlov Yvan studied the law and remembered that it is far not the attempt first in national history to be overcome for beauty and advantage of names — whether it be toponyms or names of people. Volgograd was renamed into Volgograd after Stalin's death, but into the dates connected with...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 749
Mel Brooks (Mel Brooks)
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, actor, film producer
Tyazhlov Yvan
The Russian Orthodox Church
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Political ideology:Центризм, правоцентризм, либерализм, экономический либерализм, коммунитаризм, регионализм.
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