The new meteorite found on the rocket range near Astrakhan] is registere

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Scientists Institute of Geology and mineralogy horticultural society regional real estate agency; IGM horticultural society regional real estate agency and Extra Terra Consortium laboratories of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA registered in database the international Meteoric society a new meteorite which received the name "Kapustin Yar". This meteorite is one of 29 meteorites of the class L/LL6 found on Earth and the heaviest in this group. According to words of the senior research associate of Extra Terra Consortium laboratory URFA Victor Aleksandrovich Sharygin, the gross weight of a meteorite makes 276,5 kg. He emphasized that the main mass of a meteorite is in Volgograd, and its fragments are distributed...