At the initiative of the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Irek Borisovich Boguslavsky are sent to LNR two humanitarian trucks

@Biznes Online
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Today at the initiative of the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Irek Borisovich Boguslavsky "JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NEFIS KOSMETIKS"" sent to Luhansk People's Republic 35 t the humanitarian assistance. It will be received by inhabitants of the cities, to sponsored Republic of Tatarstan — Lysychansk and Rubezhny. In two trucks 2,7 thousand packings laundry detergents, 4 thousand means for ware washing, 76,4 thousand pieces of firm and liquid soap are sent. "Inhabitants Lysychansk and Rubezhny still need support, and Republic of Tatarstan together continues to help of. This help is directed on facilitating life of people who meet difficulties even in the simplest, household questions" — told...