The former employee Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Buryatia received 9,5 years for a bribe from the top manager PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BAYKALBANK"

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Soderzhaniyebiografiya 2023: Sentence - 9,5 years of prison for the Note Bardakhanov Andrey the Biography 2023: The sentence - 9,5 years of prison for a bribe In October, 2023 Oktyabrsky district court in Irkutsk region sentenced the former deputy chief of investigative managements Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Buryatia Bardakhanov Andrey to 9,5 years of a colony of a high security and a penalty of 30 million rubles. He is found guilty on h. 3 Art. 30 and h. 6 Art. 290 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (attempt at receiving a bribe in especially large size). According to the court decision the condemned is deprived of a special colonelcy of justice. As the press service of Investigative managements reports...