From "The Russian rhapsody" before "Symphonic dances": Rakhmaninov Sergei on a piano will be executed by "Petro Duet" from Saint Petersburg

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Magnificent piano couple, winners and prize-winners of competitions to Russian Federation and the world, hereditary musicians Rogaleva Anastasiya and Petrov Dimitri will act again in Vologda. They admit that long ago are in love with our city. In 2019 piano "Petro Duet's" participants appeared on the Vologda stage in Days of memory of Valery Gavrilin. "Gavrilin's music is conformable to the Russian person lyricism, melodiousness, "kolokolnost" … Thus in it there is an irony and even sarcasm. When we played Gavrilin on our foreign tours, from us often asked notes. Around the world want to listen, execute, touch to...