"The boy and a bird" in English will take part in a postscoring of an anime Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson and other actors of Hollywood

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The Ghibli studio reported that in an English-speaking cast of an anime Khayao Miyadzaki "The boy and a bird" will consist from Christian Charles Philip Beyl, William James Defo, Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson,  Florence Pyu and others. Christian Charles Philip Beyl will sound Seiti Maki, Batista Dave will embody an image of the King of parrots, and  Florence Pyu Kiriko's voice will present. All list of stars: Christian Charles Philip Beyl — Seiti Maki <"3>" Uill Defoe — the Pelican Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson — the Grey heron  Florence Pyu — Kiriko Batista Dave — the King of parrots Gemma Chan — Natsuko Karen Fukukhara — Himi Mark Richard Khemill — the Grandfather Padovan Luca — Makhito Istoriya will tell pictures about the Japanese boy who is enough...