The Russian fighter of MMA condemned the girls fighters earning on an intimate content

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The Russian fighter of the mixed style (MMA) Dzhodzhua Liane in interview of declared that it is unpleasant to it when girls fighters post a photo and video of the erotic contents to earn on it money. "I do not look at all equally. Different situations and different content. I feel sorry for some girls. Much I would advise not to get into this business. At first it seems that you earn money in the easy way, and then everything starts becoming complicated. Identical photos becomes insufficiently. It is necessary to do them more and more intimate. I look with what began and what reached Page Vanzant...
Marina Moroz
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts (UFC)
Page Vanzant
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts
Dzhodzhua Liane
Andrade Jessica
Main activity:Culture and sports