Court suspended consideration claims ex-structures Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" to GTLK on 3,15 billion rubles

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Arbitral tribunal of the city of Moscow suspended production on the case of collecting from GTLK of 3,15 billion rubles in claim UK"Pervaya". Court decided to consider at first the collective claim private investors to GTLK which demand to collect debts on eurobonds Arbitral tribunal of the city of Moscow suspended production in claim Management organization "Pervaya" (being "Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" Management Assets" to JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "STATE TRANSPORT LEASING COMPANY" and the affiliated companies "LAL-1520" on 3,15 billion rubles, gives daily business newspaper "RBK daily". Production on business will be suspended before the decision on the collective claim will come into force...