In Krasnogorsk collected the next party gumpomoshchi for the military personnel

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The military personnel who will receive help, it is fans INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "FC "ZORKY-KRASNOGORSK". By their inquiry the football attributes went to boxes also. Sadovoye koltso Group, fund CK "RAZVITIYE" and INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "FC "ZORKY-KRASNOGORSK" sent the address helps to the football fans who have been a part of the battalion "Espanyola" for participation in SVO, the humanitarian help and gifts – attributes of the Krasnogorsk club, about it the military personnel asked. During communication with organizers of collecting the military personnel shared, as at the front continues to support the favorite team. To attributes added food products, sweets, medical goods, clothes and cards, and...