"My asterisks! ": Youri Nikolaevich Galtsev about prime ministers at theater Raikina

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At theater the young, perspective troupe works, the art director Independent noncommercial organization "Centre supports of theatrical variety art"Saint Petersburg theater Estrady" Arkady Raykinayury's name Youri Nikolaevich Galtsev noted on air Information company "Natsionalnaya sluzhba novostey" (NSN). The art director Independent noncommercial organization "Centre supports of theatrical variety art"Saint Petersburg theater Estrady" Arkady Raykinayury's name the Galtsevvpress-center Nsnrasskazal that all tickets in theater for October, November and December bought up. He noted that for a year three premieres were played. "If about the Russian drama, we had a performance according to Ostrovsky, according to Gogol "Auditor". Literally for one year we played three premieres. For October, November and December...
Youri Nikolaevich Galtsev
Last position: Artistic director (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Theater Estrady named after Arkadiya Raykina")
Fedorenko Vladimir
Grigoryeva Irina