Constructed by Tinkov "Volga giving" bought a family of the ex-head Ministry for agriculture Tkachyov

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Source: information agency "RIA Novosti" From data electronic platforms follows that the country house which was on balance of the legal person "La giving Astrakhan", was redeemed by Akashevskoy poultry farm on October 11. By data Yediny gosudarstvenny reestr yuridicheskikh lits, through "Marfininvest" own this poultry farm Maria Lisitsina who as it is considered in the market, represents interests of a family of Tkachyov. In 2000 — 2010 it worked at various positions in Administration regiona, in 2011 — the 2012th entered into board of directors JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOCHI-PARK" — companies, a controlled family of the former governor. Erdni...
Ministry for agriculture
Government Agency
Administration regiona
Government Agency